What Makes Up Your Estate?

Your “estate” is everything you own—all your property and property rights, even assets with loans against them. They don’t die when you do. They have to move into the ownership of a living beneficiary, because a decedent can’t own property.

A Will vs. No Will

Dying intestate—without a will—doesn’t mean that your loved ones will avoid a court proceeding. Intestate estates still require probate, but state law gets involved to determine who gets your property because you didn’t outline your wishes in a will.

The hierarchy in most states places surviving spouses first in line, followed by the decedent’s children, then parents, siblings and finally more distant relatives. Individuals who aren’t related to the decedent are left out entirely.3

Be Prepared

Wills and trusts can be used to accomplish many goals, and they can be as flexible as your needs and wishes require. Ensuring that those needs and wishes are carried out requires careful planning in choosing the best trusts or the best provisions for your will.

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common questions

This is one of the most common questions that comes up when planning your estate. They accomplish many of the same things, but a last will often has to go through the probate process, while a fully funded living trust avoids probate. A last will is easy to create, while transferring your assets into a trust can be time consuming and require additional paperwork. However, we know that this simplified explanation is often not enough to help make this difficult decision. It’s for that reason that our Estate Plan Bundle comes with a full year of our Personal Legal Plan. You can purchase the bundle, and immediately schedule a consultation with an attorney in your state to help you make this decision. Many people have to decide based on their unique personal factors (state laws, family situation, size of estate, etc.), and the help of an attorney is invaluable to fully explore those details.

No, but we highly recommend it. Based on your needs, where you live, and the value of your assets, a living trust may be more appropriate than a last will. An attorney who knows the laws of your state is in the best position to provide that guidance. We encourage you to make that determination before starting the last will questionnaire.

When life changes come up, many people do choose to update their estate planning documents, and we make that easy. One key benefit of the Estate Plan Bundle is that it comes with one full year of our Personal Legal Plan. Along with getting advice from attorneys, your membership allows you to revise your documents as often as you need, at no additional cost.

Yes. Our team of experienced attorneys have designed these documents to meet the specific laws and requirements of each U.S. state.

Once you order your bundle, you decide how to start building your estate plan. If you have the information you need, you can jump right in, and begin filling out our simple online questionnaires. If you have legal questions, you can schedule a consultation with an independent attorney in your state for help. If you have questions about our questionnaire or other technical questions, you can contact our customer care team. Once all of your questions are answered, and you’ve submitted your questionnaires to us, your documents will be available for download. Review your documents and make sure you’re happy with them, and then follow our simple instructions for signing.

Attorney Assist (Legal Advantage Plus) is our membership-based service that gives you access to a vetted network of attorneys in all 50 states. You can schedule calls with an attorney to get your questions answered on estate planning, to get your completed documents reviewed, or on other personal legal matters.

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